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Helping Our Community
Our Community Partners Assistance Program was established to aid schools and nonprofit organizations that work to make San Francisco and Oakland the unique cities that they are. Cole Hardware is sympathetic to the lack of government funding available to schools and worthwhile social causes these days. At the same time, we realize the importance of social responsibility for businesses of all sizes. We felt we needed to come up with a program that benefits the hundreds of organizations that request our assistance each month. Thus, the birth of this program!
Every year we give away thousands of dollars in wine and gift cards to our partner schools and nonprofit organizations in San Francisco and the Rockridge area of Oakland. The program is free for all schools and nonprofits, and we’re happy to assist with fundraising events for our member groups.
Promote Our Partnership
Every time a member of your community shops in any of our stores, you want them to mention their “friendship” with your group. Our cashiers will then post their transaction to your Community Partners account number, which will earn your school or nonprofit organization dollars in return. The more you promote the partnership, the more enriched your group will become through our program! Publish an ad in your organization’s newsletter announcing your partnership with Cole Hardware.

Partner Benefits
Our partners can receive:

10% Gift Card Dividend
When checking out at our stores, customers mention their favorite school or group, and their transactions will then be posted to that group’s account. A Cole Hardware gift card equal to 10% of all purchases credited to that account will be sent to the group the following year.

Cole Hardware $25 Gift Card
We will donate a $25 Cole Hardware gift card for silent auctions or raffles.

Project Discount
We will work with nonprofits on a case-by-case basis to provide a discount on community improvement projects. See store manager.

Partner Shopping Event
Plan a Partner Shopping Event with us. We will donate 20% of total purchases by your group during a specified in-store shopping event to your school or nonprofit organization.
Request a Partnership
We’d love for your school or nonprofit to join our Community Partner Program. Please just complete the form below and we’ll happily sign you up to enjoy all of the benefits!
Request a Donation
We’re happy to help all of our partner schools and nonprofits in San Francisco and the Rockridge area with fundraising events twice a year. Please fill out the request form and we will get back to you shortly with details on fulfillment.