Question and answer section
Wait—Don’t Flush That!
It’s something that can be found in every modern home, school, and office building. It’s been called an outhouse, a Porta Potty, a loo, a lavatory. But regardless of what you call it, it serves the same purpose. The toilet has seen it all.
With the toilet paper shortage created by recent panic buying, many folks are stocking up on paper towels and baby and flushable wipes as backups. These should NOT be flushed down the toilet. The last thing any of us will want to deal with at this stressful time is a clogged toilet.
But what about those products that say they are “flushable,” you might ask? Don’t be fooled by these claims! Just because you can flush them does not mean you should. They can get clogged in pipes downstream and cause a backup in the sewer system. These items should be thrown in the black garbage bin. By maintaining these practices, we can reduce the amount of trash that clogs our sewer pipes and avoid preventable backups that are costly, unpleasant, and smelly.
Whether you’re at home or at work, remember that besides human waste, only toilet paper and paper toilet-seat covers should be flushed. It’s the three Ps: pee, poop, paper!
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